Jnine & Co champions menstrual wellness in the workplace and at home.
We thoroughly believe in ‘looking after yourself down there’ by providing period products that are natural, organic and eco-friendly. Good for you and the environment!
We promote period positivity in the workplace by partnering with organisations to implement Menstrual Wellness policies and practices that complement Workplace Wellbeing and Engagement initiatives.
Our signature Workplace Period Toolkits offer a great starting point to promote menstrual wellness in your organisation - or get on board and connect with us about a customised solution.
Why implement Menstrual Wellness in your workplace?
- 80% of people reported absenteeism and decreased productivity during their periods, averaging 23 days per year.
- 54% of Aussie women aren’t able to complete everyday tasks every time they get their period.
The impact to productivity and staff morale is huge. With great staff becoming harder and harder to find, looking after the ones you have becomes critically important. Providing sanitary supplies and incorporating Menstrual Wellness as part of your wellbeing initiatives is an inexpensive way for you to show your employees you care about their physical and mental well-being and improve engagement at the same time.
Talk to us about implementing a Menstrual Wellness policy in your organisation and providing period products for your team. After all, you provide tea, coffee…and sometimes even beer for your employees. Isn’t it time you took care of your people who period?
Client Love
"I underestimated the positive impact this initiative would have on our workplace. The feedback from my team has been amazing - from people being relieved to not be caught with their period unprepared and those appreciating pain relief products being on hand to allow them to stay at work where they usually would have had to take leave - the benefits are many, for both employees and the business. I highly recommend implementing Menstrual Wellness strategies to make a difference for your team and visitors"