Integrating Cyclical Principals into Professional Practice

Our Services

  • Cyclical Living Coaching Sales Teams and Individuals.

    Diversity, Equity And Inclusion is a must for any organisations who is serious about their employees. See an improvement in productivity with employees working in alignment with a cycle that best suits their skills and energy. Implement a program that will benefit your employees in the workplace and home life.

Cyclical Alignment in your Workforce Will Achieve:

  • Boosted Productivity: Equip your team with the tools to harness their natural cycles. By understanding which tasks align with each phase, your sales team can align their role with their natural productivity highs and lows whilst still achieving results that drives themselves and the business forward.
  • Enhanced Well-being: Sales can be demanding, often leading to stress and burnout. Our coaching program emphasises balance, helping your team manage stress through mindful practices that align with their personal rhythms and stay motivated.
  • Improved Focus and Creativity: Understanding and utilising cyclical patterns can lead to increased focus during strategic planning and creative problem-solving sessions, empowering your team to think outside the box.
  • Sustainable Performance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance with cyclical strategies that support long-term success. A balanced team is not only more productive but also more loyal and motivated.
  • Adaptability to Change: Equip your sales team with the ability to adapt swiftly to market changes and customer needs by leveraging the natural ebb and flow of their energy and creativity.
  • Being Recognised as an Inclusive Employer by offering a Female Tailored Program: Investing in your team is far more cost-effective than the ongoing expenses of recruitment and training new hires. Supporting current staff pays dividends, fostering a more engaged and loyal workforce.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Incentives - For Women, By Women.

Women weren't designed to work the same way every week of the month.

Our bodies work on an average 29 day cycle with 4 key phases. Depending on the phase, our bodies and brains are better suited to certain tasks than others. This is why some weeks women feel unmotivated and unproductive on certain tasks when the week prior they were the opposite. Essentially, we are trying to keep up with men who run on a 24 hour cycle, and a working culture that was designed by men.

What is Cyclical Living?

As women we have 4 natural phases that we transition through on average within a month. Cyclical Living is aligning you to work with your best outcome for each of these four natural phases. For example: Your high energy week, creative week, your introvert week, and your strategic week.

No, you don't need a period to implement cyclical living into your life.

Ready to Progress your Business?

Break the norm. Implement training for women, by women.

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